Under the Veil of Darkness
By Melissa Williams

Here I am, hiding in plain sight
Nobody sees who I am until I tell them
I don't know if people will think I'm beautiful
Or will they find me just plain hideous
So, here I sit, under the veil of darkness

I suppose it's just because I'm too afraid
Some people know who I am and tell me I'm beautiful
Others know, or at least say they do, and tell me I'm ugly
I really don't know what to believe
So, here I sit, under the veil of darkness

I want to be beautiful and loved for who I am
I think I've had my heart broken too many times
Especially by many of those who were close to me
Maybe I'll just be happier if nobody sees who I really am
So, here I sit, under the veil of darkness

Until I am ready to take more chances
Forever I sit, under the veil of darkness

Life's new hope
By Melissa Williams

The last gray candle fizzles out
The wax has melted to the ground
The voices quiet, no more shout
Fall's leaves on no tree to be found

The birds have stopped their singing song
The wind has died to nothingness
The light dies down with shadows long
The sun has set now in the west

All hope has ceased to exist
All friends lay down beneath the turf
Nobody around to be missed
The sea is calm now with no surf

The world is coming to an end
There seems no hope left; none at all
For I feel I have lost a friend
He is dead like leaves in fall

And when the end seems imminent
I see light shining far away
At this point it's just a hint
But then there comes a brand new day

And with the new day I find peace
Because I know there now is hope
And on this life a brand new lease
And find a new way I can cope

There still are bumps on life's new road
And sometimes things will still seem hard
But with new strength I bear this load
And life has dealt me a new card

The girl I see
By Melissa Williams

I see a girl with great looking hair
she makes me want to stop and stare
I really like her choice in clothes
Her face is cute including her nose

She does a good job with her makeup
She took her time and didn't just wake up
She has spunk and seems really smart
She loves animals and has a big heart

She's always learning something new
She knows there's more than false and true
She tries to be kind to all her friends
and feels bad for those that she offends

She sees the good in folks she meets
both online and in the streets
She has a lot of love inside
and never does her passion subside

Sometimes inside she does feel sad
and other times she does get mad
but this is few and far between
and when she does, it goes unseen

She gives her time to those in need
and tries to be a friend indeed
Who is this girl of whom I see?
The girl in the mirror is little old me

©2006-2017 Melissa Williams. All rights reserved.